Copyright © 2009 by William R. Mistele. All rights reserved. 



On the Future




I have been reading the material you publish on your website since its inception in the 1990's.  Since spring 2009 you continuously include hints and warnings in your writings, pointing out that the time of humans as we know them on this planet may soon be over.

   This drastic increase of end-time statements has not eluded me. Given the extended sensory range you have at your disposal, I am more than a little worried. I am wondering whether you could not be a little bit more specific as to the precise nature of predicaments that lie ahead of us. Apparently, there is more than just one of them as, in your "Divine Missions", you speak of a "... vast array of completely new problems that are about to fall upon us".




Thanks for reading so much of the site.

   There is an element present that comes from being an author selling a new book coming out next year.  It is easy to dramatize for advertising purposes things that were previously implied or understated. 

   I have a publisher who is forcing me to focus on one astral realm—that of the undines—whereas otherwise I would tend to explore endlessly various spiritual realms. 

   Reviewing carefully my own writing on undines, I can see how the undines have given me a lot of warnings and prophecies about mankind.  Speaking out is not my nature.  But addressing the future is part of publishing a book of this kind. 

   If you bring a new child into the world, you have to address all sorts of questions such as: Can I pay for the child’s education? Are the schools here good?  Is the neighborhood safe?  Do I have adequate health and insurance coverage?  Do I have a healthy community for the child to grow up in?  Is there sufficient love present in the family to raise the child? 

   Similarly, when you introduce something new into the world, it is natural to ask questions about the implications of what you are offering.      

   I often wonder about different civilizations.  Could Greece have defended itself against the expanding Roman Empire?  Could the Arabs have continued their development in science and technology and so have competed successfully with the West?  What would the Dalai Lama have had to do to keep Tibet rather than losing it to China?  And so on endlessly.

  I ask, Why did Jews not foresee World War II and the threat of the Nazis?  And could one magician have stopped Hitler?  The question is, What would an individual have to think, see, or do in order to change the outcome?    

   This is the art of challenging one's own assumptions or asking about what is missing from our understanding.  This is similar to the astral magical equilibrium exercise in Bardon chapter one and two. 

  If someone is weak in a particular element of earth, air, water, and fire, then that weakness tends to produce weak results in life experience.  If someone has negative energy in an element, that tends to produce negative experiences with that element.

   So I am not so much predicting the future.  I am after how to change our current situation in order to get a better result.   

    Let us do an astral equilibrium study of the human race as a whole in terms of the four elements.  Our current situation is rather terrible. 

   Think of an individual with great will power (fire), ever expanding knowledge (air), and tremendous capacity for hard work (earth).  But there is almost no capacity for feeling (water).  That is the human race from the point of view of the elemental realms as I understand them. 

   We have a race that has just created antimatter in its laboratories. Antimatter only exists in the explosions of supernovae and at the beginning of the universe. This is a cosmic level of creation in the external world.  It is a big change. Two hundred years ago we were riding horses and using them to plow our fields.

    Yet there has been no increase in our wisdom or religious understanding in the last two hundred years that equals our advances in the element of fire and the application of electronics, or in our other masteries over nature.

    The balance required is in the area of water, not as an external power, but as a soul capacity to feel what others' feel anywhere on earth.  Water as the undines know it offers an inner sense of shared life, not just the twitter and blog sense of knowing intellectually what is going on with others which is not water but the air element. 

   So, if we had this water element weakness in an individual, with the other three elements very strong, we could foresee certain problems occurring.  This individual (and so mankind as a while) would end up causing great harm to others.  He would do this simply because he does not understand when his rapid advances in knowledge and experimentation harms others or himself for that matter. 

   He would ignore all sorts of warnings about bad things coming his way: he would take excessive risks that threaten his well being and safety because the quest, pursuit, and exercise of his will are far more important to him than the mere feeling that it is important to live in peace and harmony.

   And he would not be able to do what people with strong water can do—they can feel if something is right or not without having to think or analyze.  The undines, by contrast, have an inner stillness that can sense or see the future. 

    Our water deficient individual would not have the ability to dare, not in the sense of taking risks which he is very good at, but in the sense of daring to change his own nature--to dream and imagine how to be complete and whole in himself.

   For conscience to operate effectively it needs all four elements equally strong and positive.  Water offers a sense of the rhythms of life.  It tells you when to step back from your many activities in order to renew yourself.  It tells you when to let go and flow because it senses within your own soul the natural, non-artificial way in which your dreams will be fulfilled. 

  Water offers a sense of connection to others.  You can feel what they feel and with ease unite with them from within.  Water annihilates loneliness and isolation and it dissolves anxiety and insecurity.  It destroys sadness and sorrow. 

   Those with strong water can hear what others say, both in the words and in the heart.  If you know someone with very strong water, you probably have a friend who at a glance can see if the deepest dreams in your heart are unfolding with harmony and beauty.  A close friend or lover or caregiver with strong water unites with you from within and so for your entire life offers you an inner sense of renewal and completion.  Their very presence in your life offers inspiration.            

   Take away the water required for balance and you get our world in which the human race can easily end up pursuing different goals that are mutually contradictory and at war with each other.

  The worst case scenario for humanity is that we have no disasters in nature that set us back decades.  The result is that we so change our own DNA and connection to electronics and nanotechnology that we cease to be the same species. We become multiple new species that cease to be human beings.  We become technological marvels in which the soul or heart is vastly diminished. 

  I have seen at close hand how twisted good intentioned, well-meaning, and highly ethical people can become just by immersing themselves in the industrial revolution, the work ethic, and the scientific desire to know and apply new knowledge.  People do things without any conscience coming into play in regard to the consequences of their actions.  So I can easily imagine how inhuman we will become if we start further changing ourselves with technology. 

   I lived in Detroit. Detroit had a more effective system of apartheid than South Africa.  But it worked for many decades. Everyone was advancing in opportunity or so it seemed until they had to call in the National Guard to stop the rioting.  I was on the last airplane to land in Detroit before they closed the airport because of the riots. The city was on fire. 

   None of the CEO’s of the big three automakers, for example, saw the increasing disaster that was occurring in health, education, and job opportunities for the inner city workers.  And of course the unions has no insight to offer in regard to the future.  Placing themselves at odds with the corporations, they were consumed by their own cause and so did not look around to notice the disaster coming their way.  They could not feel that things were not right. 

  For me, growing up in Detroit was a taste of hell.  It never felt right.   

    From the point of view of this one realm of undines as compared to the sylphs, gnomes, and salamanders, the human race is really out of contact with the spiritual purposes of this planet.  We are so out of touch with the purposes for which this planet was created that it is very easy to see that another race will appear after our time here is over.  This would be a race more aligned with the astral, mental, and akashic resources and purposes that exist on earth. 

  I jokingly tell people, the 350 earthzone spirits who are guardians of the evolution of earth are bored out of their minds because human beings almost never consult with them.  And the undines view humanity as a race that has no feeling for water. 

  Sure, we have submarines, surfers, scuba divers, sailors, and swimmers.  Google charts the bottom of the ocean. 

   But I ask you seriously, in whose eyes have you ever seen the dreams of the blue green sea or in whose voice have you ever heard even a hint of the songs the sea dreams at night?      

   In my writing and interview, A Mermaid’s Story, I go to extreme lengths to try to explain why humanity can not even get the few stories it has about mermaids to reflect anything about them.  The stories in our literature about mermaids are disinformation, designed to mislead rather than to reveal the wonder of these beings.     

   As a writer, it is my job to outline alternatives. It is pretty easy to change world history if you sense the focal points upon which culture and politics turn.  I am very focused on making the appropriate changes.  Any good writer who worries about the future would try to raise many questions and clarify the main issues. 

  I am not the laid back prophet who says bad things will happen and so too bad for you.  I am a cultural engineer: the entire destiny of humanity is up for grabs. If you do not dream a new destiny, the one you find in your heart, see it, and make it happen, things can turn out very bad. 

   The question is not about issuing warnings about our future. The question is how to present the warnings in such a way, with such conviction, clarity, and accuracy, that we seize our best opportunities and avoid our worst outcomes.